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About the

We are a polit­i­cal party and people’s move­ment set up in 1918 who wants to develop Finland in a respon­si­ble manner.

Our poli­tics are based on values – we believe in the indi­vid­ual, respon­si­bil­ity and liberty. We want to build a soci­ety where every­one has the oppor­tu­nity to succeed and where the weak­est are taken care of.

The National Coali­tion Party wants Finland to be reformed econom­i­cally, sustain­ably in both ecolog­i­cal and social terms. Future gener­a­tions have to inherit more than just debt.

We believe that the econ­omy can grow at the same time as emis­sions start being reduced. Many prob­lems can be solved with clean tech­nol­ogy.

We think that every­one should have the possi­bil­ity to provide for them­selves and their family through their work. Educa­tion and know-how have been the key to Finland’s success – and they will be in the future as well.

When arrang­ing services, you have to start from a person and their needs.

The National Coali­tion Party is also a lot more than our members of parlia­ment and MEPs – we are a people’s move­ment. We carry out every­day small deeds, each one in our own way. The National Coali­tion Party is an ideo­log­i­cal pursuit, through which new things are learnt and great people are met.

The National Coali­tion Party has 13 district organ­i­sa­tions and we have local activ­ity every­where in Finland. You can also partic­i­pate in the activ­ity of the National Coali­tion Party through its networks.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about the district organ­i­sa­tions of the National Coali­tion Party here

You can find more infor­ma­tion about the networks of the National Coali­tion Party here

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