Kokoomus vaatii Fideszin erottamista EPP:stä yhdessä 12 muun puolueen kanssa
Kirjeessä EPP:n puheenjohtaja Donald Tuskille 13 Euroopan kansanpuolueen (EPP) jäsenpuoluetta vaativat Fideszin erottamista EPP:stä. Kirjeen on allekirjoittanut kokoomuksen puheenjohtaja ja EPP:n varapuheenjohtaja Petteri Orpo.
Fideszin jäsenyys EPP:ssä jäädytettiin noin vuosi sitten muun muassa kokoomuksen ja moderaattien aloitteesta.
Dear President Tusk, April 2, 2020
As leaders of EPP member parties with deep roots in our respective countries’ center-right and pro-
European political traditions, we wish to express our deep concern with the political developments in
Hungary, in particular the law passed by the Hungarian parliament on March 30th, which allows the
Hungarian government to indefinitely extend the country’s state of emergency and allows Prime
Minister Viktor Orbán to rule by decree.
This is a clear violation of the founding principles of liberal democracy and European values. The
fight against covid-19 requires extensive measures, however the virus cannot be used as a pretext to
extend the state of emergency indefinitely. We fear that Prime Minister Orbán will use his newly
achieved power to further extend the government’s grip on civil society.
The EPP has a commitment to safeguard liberal democracy, the indisputable right of the individual
and the rule of law, which are fundamental principles, upon which not only our political family, but
indeed the European Union is founded.
We have followed the degradation of the Hungarian rule of law for some time. Fidesz is currently
suspended from the EPP due to its failure to respect the principle of rule of law. However, the recent
developments have confirmed our conviction that Fidesz, with its current policies, cannot enjoy full
membership in the EPP.
We wish to express our full support to President Donald Tusk and the entire EPP leadership in
upholding the integrity of our political family. We call on the expulsion of Fidesz from the EPP in
accordance with article 9 of the EPP statutes.
We furthermore underline our support for the European Commission and call on joint action by the
Member States to address the situation in Hungary forcefully.
We have some very challenging times ahead. A strong and united Europe, committed to the founding
values of freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights and human
dignity, is a necessity for us all.
Joachim Coens, CD&V (Belgium)
Maxime Prevot, CdH (Belgium)
Markéta Pekarová Adamová, Top 09 (Czechia)
Søren Pape Poulsen, Conservative People’s Party (Denmark)
Petteri Orpo, National Coalition Party (Finland)
Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Prime Minister of Greece, Nea Demokratia
Gabrielius Landsbergis, Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats
Frank Engel, CSV (Luxembourg)
Rutger Ploum, CDA (Netherlands)
Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, Conservative Party of Norway
Miroslav Beblavy, SPOLU (Slovakia)
Ebba Busch, Christian Democrats (Sweden)
Ulf Kristersson, Moderate Party (Sweden)