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Käytämme evästeitä tarjotaksemme paremman käyttökokemuksen ja henkilökohtaista palvelua. Suostumalla evästeiden käyttöön voimme kehittää entistä parempaa palvelua ja tarjota sinulle kiinnostavaa sisältöä. Sinulla on hallinta evästeasetuksistasi, ja voit muuttaa niitä milloin tahansa. Lue lisää evästeistämme. / Julkaisut / Politiikka / EU / Kokoo­mus vaatii Fideszin erot­ta­mista EPP:stä yhdessä 12 muun puolu­een kanssa

Kokoo­mus vaatii Fideszin erot­ta­mista EPP:stä yhdessä 12 muun puolu­een kanssa


Kirjeessä EPP:n puheen­joh­taja Donald Tuskille 13 Euroo­pan kansan­puo­lu­een (EPP) jäsen­puo­luetta vaati­vat Fideszin erot­ta­mista EPP:stä. Kirjeen on alle­kir­joit­ta­nut kokoo­muk­sen puheen­joh­taja ja EPP:n vara­pu­heen­joh­taja Petteri Orpo.

Fideszin jäse­nyys EPP:ssä jäädy­tet­tiin noin vuosi sitten muun muassa kokoo­muk­sen ja mode­raat­tien aloit­teesta.


Dear Presi­dent Tusk, April 2, 2020

As leaders of EPP member parties with deep roots in our respec­tive count­ries’ center-right and pro-
Euro­pean poli­tical tradi­tions, we wish to express our deep concern with the poli­tical deve­lop­ments in
Hungary, in particu­lar the law passed by the Hunga­rian parlia­ment on March 30th, which allows the
Hunga­rian govern­ment to inde­fi­ni­tely extend the country’s state of emer­gency and allows Prime
Minis­ter Viktor Orbán to rule by decree.

This is a clear viola­tion of the foun­ding principles of libe­ral democ­racy and Euro­pean values. The
fight against covid-19 requi­res exten­sive measu­res, howe­ver the virus cannot be used as a pretext to
extend the state of emer­gency inde­fi­ni­tely. We fear that Prime Minis­ter Orbán will use his newly
achie­ved power to furt­her extend the government’s grip on civil society.

The EPP has a commit­ment to safe­guard libe­ral democ­racy, the indis­pu­table right of the indi­vi­dual
and the rule of law, which are funda­men­tal principles, upon which not only our poli­tical family, but
indeed the Euro­pean Union is foun­ded.

We have followed the degra­da­tion of the Hunga­rian rule of law for some time. Fidesz is currently
suspen­ded from the EPP due to its failure to respect the principle of rule of law. Howe­ver, the recent
deve­lop­ments have confir­med our convic­tion that Fidesz, with its current policies, cannot enjoy full
members­hip in the EPP.

We wish to express our full support to Presi­dent Donald Tusk and the entire EPP leaders­hip in
uphol­ding the integrity of our poli­tical family. We call on the expul­sion of Fidesz from the EPP in
accor­dance with article 9 of the EPP statu­tes.

We furt­her­more under­line our support for the Euro­pean Commis­sion and call on joint action by the
Member States to address the situa­tion in Hungary force­fully.

We have some very chal­len­ging times ahead. A strong and united Europe, commit­ted to the foun­ding
values of free­dom, democ­racy, equa­lity, the rule of law and respect for human rights and human
dignity, is a neces­sity for us all.

Joac­him Coens, CD&V (Belgium)

Maxime Prevot, CdH (Belgium)

Markéta Peka­rová Adamová, Top 09 (Czec­hia)

Søren Pape Poul­sen, Conser­va­tive People’s Party (Denmark)

Petteri Orpo, Natio­nal Coali­tion Party (Finland)

Kyria­kos Mitso­ta­kis, Prime Minis­ter of Greece, Nea Demo­kra­tia

Gabrie­lius Lands­ber­gis, Home­land Union – Lithua­nian Chris­tian Democ­rats

Frank Engel, CSV (Luxem­bourg)

Rutger Ploum, CDA (Nether­lands)

Erna Solberg, Prime Minis­ter of Norway, Conser­va­tive Party of Norway

Miros­lav Beblavy,  SPOLU (Slova­kia)

Ebba Busch, Chris­tian Democ­rats (Sweden)

Ulf Kris­ters­son, Mode­rate Party (Sweden)

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