National Coalition Party’s election program
Now’s the right time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
This is the electoral platform of the National Coalition Party, but we’d rather call it a worksheet. Right now it feels like the time for empty rhetoric is over, and it’s time to act. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Everyone’s welcome, because Finland is our common cause.
1. We will turn the tide of Finnish economy and standard of living
The standard of living and purchasing power in Finland will increase, and people will still have money left to make their dreams come true. The National Coalition Party knows the formula for growth. We want to relieve the regulations of market economy and remove the obstacles to entering the markets.
The 10-point worksheet of the National Coalition Party:
- We will put the preconditions of economic growth in Finland in order. We’ll drive investments in Finland and improve the competitiveness of our economy based on the National Coalition Party’s formula for growth. We’ll work in even closer cooperation with Finnish cities, municipalities and regions to create growth.
- We will improve the preconditions for Finnish entrepreneurship. We’ll make sure companies have a supportive, stable and predictable operating environment and taxation. We’ll make it easier to invest in Finland and ensure smooth permit processes.
- We will improve export opportunities for Finnish companies. We’ll continue expanding the European single market and freeing international trade to improve Finland’s export opportunities. We’ll decrease our dependency on dictatorships.
- We will implement a programme for fair competition. We’ll remove obstacles to entering the market, increase competition between companies, and relieve regulations and unnecessary norms to lower consumer prices. We’ll reform alcohol policies, railway competition, gambling systems and public procurement, as well as relieve pharmacy regulations in the spirit of responsible market economy.
- We will improve the opportunities for Finns to get wealthier. We’ll expand the field of application for investment savings accounts, remove their maximum investment limit, and introduce investment savings accounts for newborns. We’ll improve the preconditions of ownership by launching a national ownership program.
- We will fix traffic connections everywhere in Finland. Functional connections within and from Finland are vital in terms of economic growth and security of supply. We’ll pay off repair debt on road and rail networks and see to sea and air connections. We’ll enable functional regional trains in new urban areas, develop faster rail connections, and promote competition in rail traffic.
- We will take up on the opportunities of digitalisation and data economy. We’ll push growth by promoting the data skills and digitalisation of SMEs, as well as investments in fast connections, research and product development. We’ll make sure we have nation-wide communication infrastructure. We’ll improve public services through digitalisation and provide data on the public sector to support the creation of new innovations.
- We will reform the housing policy in Finland. We’ll reduce homelessness by reserving publicly funded rental housing to those who need them the most. We’ll control the cost development of housing by increasing the supply of plots and housing. We’ll reform the housing allowance system and land use and building regulations. We’ll increase cooperation between government and cities.
- We will improve the competitiveness of Finnish food production. We’ll ensure the security of supply and food security. People must have safe, healthy and sustainably produced Finnish food available to them. Agriculture must be developed to become more competitive and viable and be more based on entrepreneurship. We’ll improve the preconditions of food and foodstuff export.
- We will ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. Responsible forestry and circular economy offer solutions for fighting climate change and increase well-being everywhere in Finland.
2. We will stop living on borrowed money
The National Coalition Party is striving for a Finland where the financing for a welfare state is secured for generations to come. We want to balance public finances without increasing the total tax rate. We wish to strengthen economic growth and create new jobs, increase productivity in both the private and public sectors, as well as prioritise and decrease public expenditure.
The 10-point worksheet of the National Coalition Party:
- We will balance public expenses and revenue. We’ll write an economic recovery programme lasting two parliamentary terms to balance public finances in Finland and stop indebtedness by 2031.
- We will lower the total tax rate in Finland. Taxation in Finland is already heavy. Instead of increasing taxes, we’ll balance finances through growth and employment measures and by curbing expenditure.
- We will prioritise public expenditure. When making decisions on balancing finances, all avenues are investigated, but we will avoid cutting from education and culture expenses, expenses critical to increasing employment and growth, as well as national defence and security expenses.
- If we add to expenses, we will save somewhere else. Tax cuts would be financed primarily by cutting expenses and by increasing taxes least detrimental to employment and growth.
- We will improve the productivity of the public sector. For example, we’ll promote free municipality experiments, make use of digitalisation, speed up processes, and direct resources from administration to action and services. This saves working hours and improves coping at work.
- We will increase employment up to 80 per cent by 2030. By following the action plan of the National Coalition Party, a 100.000 Finns will gain employment during the next parliamentary term. We’ll remove obstacles to working, reform the labour market and invest in well-being at work.
- We will make it profitable to work under all circumstances. We’ll reform taxation and social security and remove inactivity traps, so that at least half of each Euro earned through work remains with the worker.
- We will relieve the taxation of labour in all income brackets. When allocated correctly, tax cuts promote economic growth and encourage employment, thus returning some of the price of the tax cuts to the government. We will not make tax cuts to incur debt. We’ll transfer the focus of taxation from labour and entrepreneurs to harms, emissions and consumption.
- We will reform Finnish working life and labour markets. We’ll increase contractual freedom in all workplaces. We’ll promote good labour relations in our society. We’ll create a sliding scale for earnings-related unemployment benefits and expand it to include everyone. We’ll improve work ability, well-being at work and equality in working life.
- We will speed up international recruitment. The working age population in Finland grows smaller as the number of elderly people increases. This equation challenges the very foundation of our well-being. We’ll relieve the bureaucracy involved in international recruitment. We’ll make sure people have easy access to work in Finland and that work permits are granted swiftly.
3. We will turn Finland into a superpower of clean, affordable and reliable energy
The National Coalition Party wants Finland to become a superpower of clean, affordable and reliable energy, so that Finnish households and companies don’t run out of electricity in the dead of winter. We need energy to keep our lights on, our houses warm and our companies running. With the same clean energy, Finland can attract energy intensive industries and jobs. The significance of clean, affordable and reliable energy as an engine for economic growth and as a precursor of well-being will only increase with time.
The 10-point worksheet of the National Coalition Party:
- We will make sure Finns have affordable electricity available to them. We’ll reform the electricity market and pricing model to be fairer, so that households and companies have smaller electricity bills. The most expensive production of electricity shouldn’t determine the price of all electricity. We’ll make sure affordable, clean and Finnish electricity doesn’t run out even in the dead of winter.
- We will fight climate change. We’ll implement emissions abatements in a cost efficient and technology neutral manner, on the market’s terms - without compromising standard of living. The substantial carbon handprint of Finnish companies ensures effective measures to fight climate change.
- We will harness market economy to fight climate change. We’ll promote the adoption of new technologies and the creation of domestic innovations. We’ll tax climate emissions equally regardless of the source. A smart tax policy preventing carbon leakage is the way to reach climate targets on the market’s terms.
- We will defend biodiversity. We’ll protect the Baltic Sea and Finnish waterways, forests and wetlands. We’ll support the Forest Biodiversity Programme (METSO) and the Helmi habitats programme. We’ll reduce the nutrient pollution causing the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea.
- We will invest in clean energy. We’ll promote the use of wind and solar power. Detaching Finland from Russian fossil energy will improve the security of supply and help in reaching our climate targets.
- We will build more nuclear power. We’ll commit to granting positive decisions in principle to all nuclear power projects that meet the safety requirements. We’ll remove the obstacles to building small nuclear reactors. We’ll make sure to have incentives for investing in and maintaining secure electricity consumption.
- We will strengthen Finland’s energy self-sufficiency. Better self-sufficiency will improve Finland’s security of supply and safety, as well as the competitiveness of domestic industries.
- We will streamline the zoning and permit processes of energy investments. We’ll give a permit guarantee to energy projects that are critical to Finland’s security of supply and safety. These projects will be given the highest priority in zoning, permit and appeals processes.
- We will promote the generalisation of electricity demand response. We’ll encourage and, if necessary, obligate electricity suppliers to offer contracts where the stability of a fixed price is combined with the chance to save money by reducing consumption during peak hours.
- We will develop energy storage and power transmission grids. We’ll make sure Finland is ready for hydrogen energy economy and that Finnish companies are equipped to thrive in global hydrogen markets. We’ll create a national hydrogen economy strategy for Finland. We’ll improve the power transmission grid within Finland and the Nordic countries.
4. We will ensure the safety of Finland and Finns
The National Coalition Party strives for a safe Finland, which is an inseparable part of the Western value, economy and security community. The most important partners of Finland are the European Union and NATO. In addition to international cooperation, we wish to invest in strong national defence, internal security and the basic pillars of the rule of law.
The 10-point worksheet of the National Coalition Party:
- We will make Finland an active member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization NATO. We’ll strengthen Finland’s status as a part of the West. Finland will determine its own role and policies in NATO. We won’t set limitations to our participation in NATO operations.
- We will ensure sufficient resources for the Finnish national defence. We’ll improve the operating conditions of domestic and European defence industries. We’ll commit to maintaining defence expenditure at a minimum of 2 per cent of the GDP. We’ll expand the call-ups to include the entire age class. We’ll make sure the best talents of the age class participate in national defence.
- We will strengthen Finland’s border security. We’ll ensure the financing of the Finnish Border Guard and the building of the barrier fence on the border between Finland and Russia.
- We will improve overall safety and national crisis tolerance. We’ll make sure Finland is properly prepared for hybrid and cyber threats. We’ll strengthen the protection on critical infrastructure as well as improve security of supply and self-sufficiency in terms of food and energy.
- We will make the everyday lives of Finns safer. We’ll tackle domestic violence. We’ll ensure the safety of our homes and streets. We’ll increase the number of police officers and ensure sufficient resources and powers for internal security authorities.
- We will strengthen the state governed by the rule of law. We’ll update the criminal law and shorten the duration of legal processes.
- We will fight the marginalisation, criminal activity and gang activity of the youth, and stop us from travelling down the same road as Sweden. We’ll use both soft and hard measures. We’ll fix the preventive support services for the youth, child protective services and immigrant integration policies. We’ll invest in the mental health of the youth and in substance use prevention. We’ll increase the penalties given for gang crimes and firearm offences.
- We will update our asylum policies. We’ll reserve asylums to those in direst need and stop the exploitation of the system. We’ll streamline the process of handling asylum applications and enforced returns. We’ll ensure immigrants have strong incentives for integration by making working and language learning more obligatory.
- We will take active and proactive measures in the EU and promote a strong and financially competitive Union. We’ll increase integration in areas where it’s deemed reasonable and highlight the responsibilities of each member state in others. We’ll draw up a strategy to reduce dependence on and risks associated with authoritarian countries, such as China. We’ll take part in strategic, active and effective development cooperation to tie developing countries into the international system based on rules and human rights.
- We will secure Finland’s interests out in the world. The most important task of Finnish foreign policy is to ensure the safety and well-being of Finland and Finns and the realisation of commercial interests. As competition between super powers and conflicts increase, new insight is needed in Finnish foreign policy and diplomacy to reach these goals.
5. We will strengthen Finnish know-how and drive innovation
The National Coalition Party strives for a Finland, where competitiveness is based on strong education and excellent know-how. We want each and every child to have a good starting point in life through quality early childhood education and individual basic education. We want Finnish universities, polytechnics and research to be among the best in the world.
The 10-point worksheet of the National Coalition Party:
- We will improve the quality and participation rate of early childhood education. We’ll implement two-year pre-primary education and pursue free early childhood education.
- We will fix our basic education. When it comes to basic education, we’ll invest in the basics: peaceful learning environments and sufficient individual support. We’ll allow our teachers to focus on teaching and stop the deterioration of our learning outcomes. We’ll make sure pupils graduating from basic education have the sufficient skills and knowledge.
- We will ensure upper secondary education is available to the entire age class. We’ll make sure there are enough resources for upper secondary education and support services. We’ll make sure vocational education has enough lessons to offer to our youth. We’ll promote apprenticeship agreements and enable the certification of competence through doing.
- We will increase the share of population with higher education. By 2030, 50% of the population will have a higher education degree. We’ll allocate more available student places to areas with the highest lack of skilled workers.
- We will reform the distribution of work, profiling and cooperation between universities and polytechnics. We’ll encourage universities and polytechnics to find the fields where they can aim to be the best in the world. We’ll strengthen the autonomy of higher education institutions through capitalisation. We’ll enable more individual learning paths, flexible paths to working life, and work-based learning.
- We will increase funding for science and research. We’ll implement a programme, lasting one parliamentary term, where the capital of higher education institutions consists of billion Euros of public funding and at least half a billion of private funding.
- We will increase the share of research, development and innovation funding to 4 per cent of the GDP by 2030. We’ll adopt an extensive right to RDI tax deductions for businesses, which will increase the number of RDI investments in companies.
- We will make education more international. We’ll grant graduates of higher education a two-year residence permit so they can apply for work. We’ll increase the number of international students in upper secondary education and thus ensure their language skills and integration into Finnish society from an early age.
- We will improve the operating conditions of culture and creative economy. We’ll develop cultural export and tourism and strengthen the cultural sector in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.
- We will improve the preconditions of sports and exercise. We’ll support the health and well-being of people by promoting a physically active lifestyle. The preconditions of elite sports will be improved in cooperation with the business sector.
6. We will increase well-being in Finland and prevent marginalisation
The National Coalition Party wants a Finland that treats well children, the youth and working age people as well as the elderly. We wish to promote health and well-being in Finns and invest in the prevention of marginalisation and other problems. We want to make social and health care services more readily available and safeguard the everyday lives of all Finns.
The 10-point worksheet of the National Coalition Party:
- We will make social and health care services more readily available. The services will be made more easily available through virtual consultation and other digital services.
- We will promote true freedom of choice when it comes to social and health care services. When organising the services, we’ll make use of Kela reimbursements, service vouchers and personal budgeting.
- We will also make use of companies and organisations in providing social and health care services. By using multiple providers, we’ll improve the quality and cost effectiveness of services. We’ll control the quality of service regardless of the provider and intervene when there’s room for improvement.
- We will take assertive action to resolve the nurse shortage. We’ll invest in the training, occupational well-being, development opportunities and international recruitment of nurses.
- We will invest in preventing health and well-being problems. We’ll grant a therapy guarantee and improve mental health services. We’ll treat problems at an early stage so that their human and social costs will remain as low as possible. We’ll reduce physical inactivity by providing more opportunities for active everyday lives.
- We will make sure all seniors can grow old with dignity. We’ll fix around-the-clock care, housing services, domestic care, and dependent care. We’ll support the coping of carers. We’ll ensure seniors maintain active lifestyles.
- We will remove the obstacles to living and participation for disabled people. We’ll design accessible urban areas and services. When making decisions, we’ll take limitations in mobility, hearing and vision, as well as learning disabilities, into consideration. We’ll make sure disabled people have equal chances of participating in working life.
- We will make everyday life easier for families with children. We’ll ensure family services to make everyday life easier. We’ll ensure preventive services and early involvement, so that people get help and support before the problems begin to mount. We’ll increase the well-being of children and the youth.
- We will develop family leaves with equality and employment in mind. We’ll take the interest of the child and the individual situations of families into consideration.
- We will strengthen community cohesion in Finland and prevent marginalisation. We’ll build towards an equal Finland. We’ll strengthen the sense of security. We’ll work on making everyone feel a part of society.